[noun] any fish or shellfish from the sea used for food
[adj.] capable of being maintained at a steady level without exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage.
GoodFishBadFish provides the resources that will allow you to make informed, sustainable, seafood choices. The ‘Seafood Converter’ helps find sustainable species and offers alternatives to those that should be avoided, with handy cooking tips too. Check out our recipes, which make cooking seafood sustainably easy and delicious. Or delve deeper, with background information about fishing techniques, aquaculture methods and more. Dive in!
Seafood Converter
The Right Fish for the Dish
The GoodFishBadFish Seafood Converter is an easy online tool, designed to assist home cooks and people interested in seafood. Pick your fish from the list to learn about species and their sustainability, alternatives and cooking tips.
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